Cody and Julia Byrd
Our Salvation Testimony and Call to Ministry
Cody-I grew up in a christian home, with parents in full time local church ministry. Thus, I grew up with a love for God’s people and for His ministry. At the age of five, during a vacation Bible school at my church, I came to the realization that I was a sinner and needed the Savior. After going to through the plan of salvation with my father, I put my faith and trust in the only one who could save me, Jesus Christ.
Early on in my life through a near fatal accident, I learned that there is no guarantee that a child reaches adulthood or even adolescence. When I was in ninth grade I sensed God calling me to ministry. One Wednesday night, while I was at the altar praying about God’s call on my life, one of my youth leaders put his arm around me and asked if he could pray for me. It was at that moment that I realized the powerful influence he had been in my life for Christ. I knew then that God was calling me to give my life to the ministry, that he wanted me to influence others for His Kingdom.
After High school I moved with my family as missionaries to the Dominican Republic, where I spent the first year with them before going to college. I attended Champion Christian College in Hot Springs, Arkansas and graduated in three and a half years with a degree in Pastoral Studies. During my final year of college I struggled with whether God wanted me to return to the Dominican when I graduated. I decided to return for a year, while asking God to confirm or clarify His Will for my life. During that year, God graciously answered my prayer, and He gave clear confirmation that the Dominican was indeed where He wants me to serve him.
Julia—I was blessed to grow up in a home with Christian parents where we attended church every time the doors were open, and I attended a Christian school. Because I went to church and a Christian school, I heard Bible stories every day. When I was six years old, my mom, siblings, and myself were discussing Bible stories we had been learning. We started discussing Jesus dying on the cross, and my mother thought that I might be at the point of fully understanding what salvation was. When we got home, my parents sat me down and further explained why Jesus did what He did. They explained how I was a sinner and I needed Jesus to save me. Even at a young age, I knew that I had sin in my heart and only Jesus could take that away. That day, I prayed and asked the Lord to come into my heart and save me. A few weeks later, I was baptized in my church where I am still a member at today.