Filip and Amy Le Roux
We are Filip, Amy and Zane Le Roux, ministering in Cape Town, South Africa. We both came to know the Lord as our Savior early in our lives. Filip was born and raised in South Africa and Amy was born and raised in the United States.
Amy knew from an early age that she wanted to be a missionary and during a missions conference she surrendered her life to the Lord to go to the mission field. In 2007 she came to South Africa as a single missionary and served in Cape Town and the Garden Route in church planting ministries where she taught Sunday School, did outreaches into townships, taught Bible in public schools, and did personal discipleships with teens and ladies.
Filip was blessed to get involved in new church plants and camp ministry towards the end of his high school years. Over time he was personally discipled and also received practical ministry instruction and training. He was able to attend the local church based Bible school classes called Church Ministry Institute (CMI). While working a secular job, he looked for opportunities to share the Gospel and served the Lord in preaching, teaching, and discipling believers. The Lord began working in Filip’s heart about serving in full time ministry. After spending time in prayer Filip surrendered to God’s call in 2014. He was ordained to the Gospel ministry in September 2018.
During the weekend that Filip surrendered to God’s call, he met Amy. Over the next year the Lord developed a relationship based on our mutual love for Him. In October of 2015 we were married. By God’s amazing grace, we were blessed with our precious son, Zane Matthew, born April 29, 2019.

As we serve the Lord together as a family, we are excited to see how He is at work in bringing people to salvation and changing and transforming lives in miraculous ways. It is our desire to faithfully serve our Lord and Savior and to do so by serving others in His love. Might He be glorified as He builds His church.