Our Daystar partner in Guatemala is located just outside of Guatemala City. The major focus of this ministry is to create an arm of prevention and intervention for women who are impacted by trafficking, abuse, and poverty. Each woman will be presented with the opportunity to heal, grow, and build sustainable lives for them and their children. The work right now is focused on providing rescue and restoration for women who need a safe place and healing. The future vision is to open safe houses and to establish women’s training centers in communities and villages throughout Guatemala. As part of the partnership with Daystar, we are also praying for the day that a Daystar missionary will be called by God to start a church plant in Guatemala alongside this thriving ministry.
Ministry opportunities:
- Trips to Guatemala are not your traditional mission trips.
- The majority of trips here are open for women only.
Our groups will have a unique opportunity to come alongside women who have been hurt and abused and be the hands and feet of Jesus to them. We will minister to the wounded, and we need women who can help us with that. God has supplied women with the right combination of heart and compassion. Women that come on this mission trip will be asked to listen to stories, learn of the needs, empathize with their struggle, and do your best to minister to their lives. All this will be done as you sit, work, eat, and play together.
*Aside from the traditional ministry trips with women, we also have opportunities for men’s groups to come and do construction projects.
Some of the ministry activities you will be involved in include:
- Food Distribution – visiting the villages and homes of the ladies and delivering food
- Sit in on one of the baking or sewing programs
- Work project at center or safe house – cleaning, painting, light building work
- Bible studies with the women – sharing testimonies
Leisure activities:
- Visit “Antigua” – the old Guatemala City – sightseeing and souvenir shopping
Travel info: groups fly into Guatemala City (GUA) airport