Our Daystar partners in Indonesia are on the island of Java, which is the world’s most populated island. Most of our ministry is around the city of Jakarta, which has a population of over 11 million people. The total population of Indonesia is over 277 million people, and only around 3% of them identify as followers of Jesus. Around 85% of the population are Muslim, with others being Hindu and Buddhist. One of the people groups that we are working among is the Sunda people. There are over 38.6 million people in this people group, and they are only 0.06% Evangelical Believers. That’s less than 24,000 followers of Jesus. There is much work to be done for the sake of the Gospel in Indonesia, and we would love for your group to come and help our partners here as they reach the people in darkness.
Ministry Opportunities:
- Sports camps and clinics – basketball, soccer, volleyball, badminton
- Outreach to Slum areas – evangelism, praying with families, and food distribution
- House Churches – Bible studies, worship times, testimonies, and meals together
- Local Church ministry – assisting local churches with special events and outreaches
- Seminary – meeting with seminary students to teach class and encourage them
- Local School outreach – chapel service, teach gym class or a Bible class in local schools
- Encouraging local pastors and missionaries – prayer time, sharing meals, Bible studies
Leisure activities include:
- Sightseeing and souvenir shopping in Jakarta
- Visit some of the largest malls in Southeast Asia – shopping, food courts, and more
Travel info: fly into Jakarta (CGK) airport