John and Lynn Cunningham
John and Lynn Cunningham have been married since 1979 and have 3 adult children and 3 granddaughters. John was a Pastor in Georgia for 16 years and Lynn is an educator. They were introduced to the DR Vision ministry through mission trips when they chaperoned students from the Christian school where Lynn taught. The Cunninghams arrived in the DR on May 31, 2012. Together they serve with Pastor Felix and Isabel Mota in the church plant in Ramon Santana. John has a desire to work with Dominican pastors using his own experiences to help them grow their ministries. He also has a love for outdoors, construction, and development of the Visionland property and spends much of his week there. Lynn is a teacher and the Director of Las Palmas Christian School. The Cunninghams are affiliated with the World Baptist Mission Agency and count it a great privilege to serve alongside Daystar Missionaries to help accomplish the DR Vision.

The Church in Ramon Santana

Las Palmas Christian School