Daystar Missions is an organization that is striving to make a world-wide difference through creative means and ministry throughout the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, South Africa, and future endeavors. Daystar was founded in 2002 by Dr. David Lemming, Gary Hale, and Doug Hodges out of a heart for missions and a goal of creating a model that would be utilized to have the most impact globally. Since 2002, God has done amazing things in expanding Daystar’s impact. Las Palmas Christian school was formed and is now the first accredited bi-lingual school in Latin America. The MERCY workshop was formed to provide women with a life of dignity through Christ driven support, job skills, training, education opportunities, counseling and crisis prevention. The Lifehouse ministry seeks to provide loving, Christ-centered homes for unwanted or abandoned children in order that they may be raised in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. There are five local churches that have been planted since the inception of Daystar throughout the Dominican Republic and Ecuador. A Seminary was established and in 2018 they graduated their first class which enable nationals to go and minister throughout the regions. God is continuing to open doors of opportunity for Daystar and that is why we feel that your sponsorship could allow us to make an even greater impact in the lives of children and adults.