Daystar’s largest team of missionaries serve in San Pedro, Dominican Republic.
The Daystar team in San Pedro serves in conjunction with missionaries from a few other organizations. The combined team is referred to as “DR Vision.”
Daystar has a team of 3 missionary families serving in La Vega, DR.
La Vega, a town of about 200,000 people, is the 4th largest city in the Dominican. Your group can assist the Daystar missionaries in their church-planting and discipleship efforts.They have a Spanish speaking church for Dominicans and also a church for Haitians that speak French Creole.In addition to the church work, they are doing outreach in local schools and neighborhoods. Your group can provide encouragement and help to enhance the work that is already happening there.
Daystar has two missionary families serving in Ecuador. The Lennon family serves in the capital city of Quito.They not only do ministry with nationals, but they also have started a Persian church with people from the Middle East. Groups can do ministry with both groups of people.The Lyon family works among the Quechua people in the mountains. They are about 2.5 hours away from Quito and live and serve among the Quechuans.
Daystar has two missionary families serving in South Africa.The LeRoux family serves in Cape Town, South Africa. They have been ministering there since 2007. They currently serve in one established church (Faith Fellowship Baptist in Durbanville), as well as a new church plant (Hope in Christ Baptist in the town of Fisantekraal).
Hannah Bennett serves full-time in the city of Port Elizabeth, South Africa. She has been there since January of 2020. Hannah partners with other missionaries who started a church plant, Solid Rock Baptist Church. Through her local church, she is involved in children’s ministry, and outreach in the local community through hospitals, homeless shelters, and soup kitchens. Hannah is currently pursuing her nursing certificate in South Africa with the hopes of being able to do medical missions in the very near future.
Daystar has some wonderful ministry partners in Costa Rica. The majority of the partners are in the San Jose region. San Jose, the capital city, has a population of about 1.5 million people. In many of the areas surrounding the city, you can find large populations of refugees that have come from Nicaragua to find a better life for their family in Costa Rica. Many of the ministries that we partner with do ministry with both the Costa Rica nationals as well as refugees from Nicaragua and other places.

Our Daystar partner in Mexico does ministry in the border town of Nogales. It is approximately one hour south of Tucson, Arizona. Just one mile into Nogales, Mexico is where our partner has a ministry center. The ministry center is designed to house people while they go through a recovery and discipleship process. Most of the people going through the program spend at least 6 months there. Some of them have been living in the US and got deported, while others were hoping to make it into the States but were never able to do so. Others are working their way out of addictions and/or homelessness. There is also plenty of outreach to be done in the local neighborhoods of Nogales.
Our ministry partner in Cuba is in a suburb of Havana, the capital city. Havana has a population of just over 2 million people. Cuba is the second most populated country in the Caribbean with over 11 million total inhabitants. Although the government in Cuba is Communist, the people are quite friendly and welcoming to Americans. US Citizens are allowed to enter Cuba with a tourist visa or a religious visa and can partner with locals to do ministry. There are some traditional churches throughout the country, but there is also a large number of “house churches” where 15-25 people gather in a home for worship and Bible teaching. Our ministry partner in Cuba works in various settings with many different opportunities for groups to connect with people and serve them.
Our Daystar partner in Guatemala is located just outside of Guatemala City. The major focus of this ministry is to create an arm of prevention and intervention for women who are impacted by trafficking, abuse, and poverty. Each woman will be presented with the opportunity to heal, grow, and build sustainable lives for them and their children. The work right now is focused on providing rescue and restoration for women who need a safe place and healing. The future vision is to open safe houses and to establish women’s training centers in communities and villages throughout Guatemala. As part of the partnership with Daystar, we are also praying for the day that a Daystar missionary will be called by God to start a church plant in Guatemala alongside this thriving ministry.
Our Daystar partners in Indonesia are on the island of Java, which is the world’s most populated island. Most of our ministry is around the city of Jakarta, which has a population of over 11 million people. The total population of Indonesia is over 277 million people, and only around 3% of them identify as followers of Jesus. Around 85% of the population are Muslim, with others being Hindu and Buddhist. One of the people groups that we are working among is the Sunda people. There are over 38.6 million people in this people group, and they are only 0.06% Evangelical Believers. That’s less than 24,000 followers of Jesus. There is much work to be done for the sake of the Gospel in Indonesia, and we would love for your group to come and help our partners here as they reach the people in darkness.
Our ministry partner in Northern Ireland is just outside of the city of Belfast. The population of Belfast is around 650,000 people. The percentage of Evangelical Believers in all of Northern Ireland (total population around 2 million people) is around 8%, but the shocking news is the annual growth rate is 0%. This means that there is actually a downward trend in new converts coming to faith in Christ. Our partners in Northern Ireland are doing a lot of ministry in public schools and are taking the Gospel to the younger generation. Come and partner with us as we try to be a light in the dark places throughout Northern Ireland.